Monday, November 21, 2016

Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Breaks Ground on Performing Arts Center

The Board of Education of the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District broke ground on its 300 seat state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center.  The SMJUHSD Performing Arts Center will be located at Pioneer Valley High School and will be available to Santa Maria High School and Righetti High School.  The theater is being built by Vernon Edwards Contractors, Inc., under the Lease-Leaseback construction methodology available to California school districts under Section 17401 of the Education Code.  The theater is expected to be completed in January of 2017.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The International Community Foundation

Yuri Calderon was the general counsel and chief operating officer of Caldwell Flores Winters, Inc. Through this consulting firm, Mr. Calderon provides financial advisory services, educational consulting, and program management services to public schools and community colleges in California. Yuri Calderon also serves on the International Community Foundation (ICF) Board of Directors.

The ICF seeks to increase grant-making efforts to create sustainable communities in Latin America. For the past 25 years, the ICF has focused on four program areas: education, health, environment, and cross-cutting initiatives. Some of its initiatives include the ecological preservation of the Baja California Peninsula and the Sea of Cortez, urban development and wellness of the Baja community, and educational funding of schools throughout Latin America.

To fund these advocacies, the ICF has built relationships with industry leaders such as Amazon. The ICF receives a percentage of each item purchased by customers through AmazonSmile, the charitable initiative of Amazon. For more information, visit